為什麼連簡單的 Argentina tango 都有分不同的形式,而且各種類之間又如此的不同呢?
今天去上一位同事在外頭開的探戈課,教的是 milonga style,原以為自己快半年 salon style 的經驗,應該可以在新課中游刃有餘,所以直接報名中階課程,沒想到踢到鐵板...
首先最大的不同就是 milonga style 手是完全沒有作用的,所以幾個基本步伐老師不准我們用到手,partners 之間必須 chest to chest 倚靠在對方身上,以進行步伐的移動。全然沒有任何基礎的我,真的是慌了手腳,連基本的擁抱都不懂,更別談要怎麼移動,所以一路上一直踩舞伴(或是被踩),上課前五分鐘,我就想要奪門而逃了。
這是 milonga style...
這是比較偏向 salon style 的 tango...
Wiki 上的解釋:
"Estilo milonguero" (tango apilado/confiteria style)
This style originated as the 'petitero' or 'caquero' style in the 1940s and 50s in closely packed dance halls and "confiterias", so it is danced in close embrace, chest-to chest, with the partners leaning - or appearing to lean - slightly towards each other to allow space for the feet to move. There are not many embellishments or firuletes or complicated figures for the lack of space in the original milonguero style but now also those figures are danced, which only at first glance seem impossible in close embrace. Actually, a lot of complicated figures are possible even in milonguero.
Although the rhythmic, close-embrace style of dancing has existed for decades, the term "Milonguero Style" only surfaced in the mid- '90s when the name was created by Susana Miller, who had been the assistant to Pedro 'Tete' Rusconi. Many of the older dancers who are exponents of this style (including 'Tete') prefer not to use the label.
Salon Tango
Salon Tango was the most popular style of tango danced up through the Golden Era of the dance (1950's) when milongas (tango parties) were held in large dance venues and full tango orchestras performed. Later, when the Argentine youth started dancing rock & roll and tango's popularity declined, the milongas moved to the smaller confiterias in the center of the city, resulting in the birth of the "milonguero/apilado/Petitero/caquero" style.
Salon Tango is characterized by slow, measured, and smoothly executed moves. It includes all of the basic tango steps and figures plus sacadas, barridas, and voleos. The emphasis is on precision, smoothness, and musicality. The couple embraces closely but the embrace is flexible, opening slightly to make room for various figures and closing again for support and poise. The walk is the most important element, and dancers usually walk 60%-70% of the time during a tango song.
- Mar 26 Wed 2008 14:36
Tango in Milonga Style