
今天,上了場很有意義的Career Develop Workshop,是我進公司以來覺得最有收穫的一場教育訓練。以前常常覺得老闆們總是很不負責任的問我: 那你想做什麼? 今天真的深刻體會到如何透過有效的資源去了解自己的潛能、優缺點與可能的選擇。畢竟自己是人生的主宰,員工有責任去 Drive 個人職場生涯規劃。


My top 3 interest on business work:

  1. Application of Technology
  2. Creative Production 
  3. Influence Through Language and Ideas.

我了解第二項的創意工作一直是我的興趣,不論繪畫、寫作、音樂都是我很想嚐試的範圍,但是沒有想到第一項居然也列在清單中? 或許是我的工作漸漸的讓我對技術工作產生興趣? 還是工作的內容誤導我以為對這項產業有興趣?

My top 3 motivators (i.e. Work reward values)

  1. Positioning (the position offers experience and access to people and opportunties that will position me well for my next career move)
  2. Recognition (the position is in an environment where individual accomplishments are recognized and honered by peers and superiors)
  3. Security (the position offers a great deal of security in terms of predictable salary, benefits and future employment).

另外還有一項也挺高分,那就是 Lifestyle (the position allows ample time to pursue other important aspects of my lifestyle-family, leisure, activities...etc) 我還能說什麼呢? 這個報告這真是忠實的反應我現在的心境啊! 但是,對於是否要有合諧的工作環境,我倒是給予完全不在乎的低分。果然不適合團隊合作。

My top promising career paths

  1. Advertising Account Management
  2. Information Systems Management
  3. Management of New Prodcut Development

這到底是什麼回事? 我居然最適合去做廣告行銷? 看來真的走錯路了,該早早回頭是岸。


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